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Steven Siccama

Project Assistent
Linkedin profile .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 015 - 25 11 670

My fascination for crises stems from my interest in politics. The famous political scientist Harold Laswell claimed political science revolves around the fundamental question: “Who gets what, when and how?”. After I obtained my bachelor degree in political science at Leiden University, the master programme Crisis & Security Management made me realise that crisis management revolves around the similar question ‘Who does what, when and how?’.

This is because a professional crisis team can only function optimally if the team members proceed in a coordinated manner, with sufficient understanding of the causes and effects of their acts. Since crisis management is grounded on a differentiated approach, a good understanding of societal and political developments is essential to formulate an effective crisis plan. As a political watcher, I have a deep understanding of these developments and their influence on your organisation. While I solely work for Dutch clients, I use international perspectives and best practices, both in the fields of politics and crisis management.

In addition, I like to share my insights with other people. With a background in the student life of Leiden, I am really into social interaction. This anthropocentric focus enables me to draw up high-quality advice and training. I am not satisfied until I have reached perfect scores of communication and client happiness.

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The Netherlands

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